Jun 22, 2007

"we" are 5 years old.

today, June 22nd, lydia and i have been married for 5 years! my how time flies, and how amazing it is to look back and see the road behind us. what an amazing gift marriage is.

we celebrated on tuesday night by heading up to the posh Grouse Mountain (the Vancouver thing to do!) for dinner. the restaurant apparently overlooks the city, although we'll have to take their word for it as we were being bear-hugged by a cloud that evening. nevertheless, the food (and company!) was great. as for our plans for the actual date of our anniversary? we're hoping to be surprised by an early arrival of our second child (although we're not placing too much weight in this hope!) :)


Ron Smith said...

All I can think about is your waiter thinking "are they seriously taking pictures of the food."

Aaron said...

yeah, man, it probably was a little odd, but look at those meals! you can't say you wouldn't have done the same thing. :)

oh, and it's not the first time we've done that either.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations guys! It's hard to believe it's been that long - I loved that trip to Sarnia for your wedding.

Aaron said...

thanks swift. that was a great time. i'm glad all you guys could make the trek up! if my memory serves me correctly that might have been the last time we've seen each other! long time!

Anonymous said...

I hadn't realized it but you're right - way too long.

I'm curious about your thoughts about the latest posts on my blog. If you have a few minutes.