What we have learned so far...
1) a nude beach isn't what you would think. i expected to see nude sunbathers... not so. it is used more for hiking than tanning, which makes for awkward encounters walking by people wearing nothing but a backpack and a pair of hikers. we haven't been to that beach since the first week.
2) Vancouver has an all-reggae radio station.
3) Stay away from E. Hastings near China town. we walked down a block of sidewalk where we were clearly walking through the living room of about 50 junkies and homeless people. oops.
4) They say it rains here, but i don't believe it... yet.
5) When biking to the beach, if you're enjoying coasting downhill for 10 minutes straight... remember that gravity will get its revenge on the way back. (from now on we will drive our bikes to the beach, go for a ride, and then drive back.)
6) Pedestrians and buses are worshipped here. All others must yield to the greatness of buses and walkers... every 100 metres it seems is a pedestrian crosswalk and you have the power to bring traffic to a dead halt just by stepping out on the street.