Dec 7, 2006

Come O Come, Bright Morning Star

A trialsome November has brought a new light to Christmas.

We have become fellow sojourners with the Magi,

Looking to the Bright Morning Star for a glimpse of hope.

Trying not to mourn what we have left behind, squinting to see a the twinkle of light that lies ahead.

Kneeling, pleading “O come, O come Emmanuel, and ransom captive Israel.”

In chapel on Tuesday a “wise man” spoke of Jesus’ last claim of himself… calling himself Bright Morning Star. He explained that the Bright Morning Star appears in the wee hours of the night after the darkness has been the strongest. It is the first glimpse of light, the first sign of morning, and though it appears so small and distant at times, it tells us that darkness has been defeated and daylight will triumph.

O come, O come Emmanuel!!!

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