May 13, 2006

Oh, to become...

Romans 12:9 (taken from the message)

  • Love from the center of who you are, don't fake it.
  • Run from evil, hold on to good.
  • Be friends with those who love deeply, putting them above yourself.
  • Be alert servants to the Master, cheerfully expectant - (and to serve others as on to the Lord).
  • Don't quit in hard times, pray all the harder!!!!
  • Bless your enemies, no cursing under your breath.
  • Laugh with your happy friends, share tears when they're down.
  • Get along with each other, don't be stuck up.
  • Make friends with nobodies.
  • Don't be the great somebody.
  • Discover the beauty in everyone.
  • If you see your enemy hungry, go buy that person lunch.

As i reflected on this verse this morning, i saw myself short in each one. How i long to be this person... will i become her here on this earth? or is this a dream to be realized in heaven?

I am reminded of a small wooden plaque hung on the wall of my brothers bedroom 20 years ago. "Be patient, God isn't finished with me yet."


Anonymous said...

hey lydia,
thanks for this post. i really enjoy reading out of the Message. it's so easy to come to familiar passages of scripture and gloss over them saying to ourselves, 'i already know that...' it seems like with the Message you can't because the way things are worded pierce to the heart of the issue.

Lian said...

Thanks for this post. One thing God has been showing me over and over again is to love deeply and truly. I know that it is something that He has to instill in us, because true love (despite what the movies say) is impossible with out His giving it to us.
THanks for allowing us to share in your journey.