May 29, 2008

Cruisin' the Courtyard

Ana being pushed around the courtyard by her 12-month-old friend, Zoe.
(Sorry about the poor quality, we took this video on our regular camera.)

May 19, 2008

humble beginnings

Aaron and Noah making a garden box from a broken picnic table in
the courtyard.

Our previous garden... in pots.
End of day one, beautiful box, but plants still in pots.
The finished product. On the list are lettuce, tomatos, cherry tomatos,
orange peppers, green beans, basil, parsley, lemon balm, and best of all!!!... strawberries!
May God nurture and grow our humble little garden.

May 17, 2008

Happy #3 Birthday Noah

retreat to rivendale

In late April a few wonderful friends went to Rivendale for a retreat.
the ferry on the way to bowen island

preparing supper in the beautiful cottage

mmmm dinner

Ukrainian Egg painting